Braces are
used as a treatment to bring out your best smile. And with that comes a lot of
changes to your mouth including your daily oral hygiene activities and eating
While you
have braces you will want to avoid certain types of foods…basically anything
sticky, chewy, hard and crunchy. Here’s a
list of treats you will need to avoid during your braces treatment:
- Gum
- Hard Candy
- Sticky Candy
- Popcorn
- Nuts
- Ice
- Taffy
- Hard Chips
- Carrots
- Apples
- Hard/Thick Bread
- Large/Hard Pretzels
- Corn on a cob

We want you
to have the best experience during your treatment. So…here’s a list of great
foods you can enjoy while wearing braces.
- Dairy - pudding, soft cheeses
- Breads – sliced lunch bread, soft tortillas, pancakes, muffins w/o nuts, biscuits
- Grains – noodles, pasta, soft-cooked rice
- Meats/poultry - soft-cooked chicken, meatballs, lunch meats
- Seafood - fish w/o bones, tuna, salmon, crab and crab cakes
- Vegetables - mashed potatoes, peas, yams, steamed spinach, beans
- Fruits - applesauce, bananas, fruit juice
- Treats - ice cream w/o nuts, milkshakes, smoothies, Jell-O, cake
- Other – eggs, hot dogs, hamburgers, chili, beans and much more

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