Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Healthy Teeth Make Smiles Beauitful

You just got your braces on and you have been keeping your regularly scheduled orthodontic appointments, so why oh why would you still need to visit your Dentist?

Orthodontists and dentists specialize in different things, but work as a team for you and your oral health. Dr. Wilmot is not in charge of cleaning your teeth or checking for cavities, tooth decay and gum disease. And because it is much more difficult to keep your mouth clean while appliances and wires are in place…you still need to see your dentist every six months. That means twice a year you should be attending scheduled dentist appointments.

Having braces provides additional nooks and crannies where food particles and bacteria can hide. Plaque and tartar can form around your brackets and bands which can lead to cavities. Having your teeth professionally cleaned can help ensure that plaque and tartar are removed.

Visiting your dentist regularly will also help protect your teeth from decalcification. Decalcification is a condition in which white spots form on your tooth surfaces and decalcification is irreversible.

So without regular dental examinations and necessary treatment, it is possible to end up with straight teeth and good bite, but with decayed teeth and unhealthy gums. And who wants that?

Remember…You can still get cavities when you are wearing braces so always brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and to floss daily.

Please visit our Oral Hygiene page for more information on what it is you need to be doing to maintiain your healthy smile

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